Saturday, 26 November 2011


My skin burned a lot since the Interbatch Competition. My hands and my face berbelang-belang you know.

So as a solution, i already bought an RM300+ set of facial care. Laneige. But i did not buy the whitening one. I bought the water bank set so that my skin can be kept moisture and plumpy all the time.

And, as my sister Jiah told me, she scrubs her face every morning by using lemonade juices for about 2 weeks and it really works! So, start from today, i will do it every morning. It is a bit painful for my skin when the juice reach my open spore. But sabar itu separuh drpd Iman. :)

Do you have any ideas how to get whitier faster? Do tell me cause i really need it baby. Mowahhh!

Salam Awal Muharam

Salam awal muharam everyone !

May we all have a good and better life start today. InsyaAllah.

I know you are happy right now at your home. But fyi i'm suffering here in campus. Why i'm not going back? My parents are celebrating this awal muharam in Kuala Lumpur with Nenek, Jiah and Iqah. Btw, my mum was just came back from course, so they make gatherings there. Pity on me. My dad asked me to join them but i think it would be a bit tired for me. So, i'm staying here in lovely Kuantan. Fyi, this weekend is the first weekend that i got nothing to do. I mean, not having anything big to do. Alhamdulillah at last.

I came to realize that i had gained 3 more kgs. OMG OMG OMG ! I'm fatter now! :O

It's a bit stress when some people actually say straight to your face "you're fat now, how have you been?" Dang! Some of my friends even said that to a friend of me before we were having exams outside the exam hall. What theeee gurl?

And as to encounter all those thing that stress me out, i come to a conclusion that i want a better life since today. I have already plan my schedule. I know it will be a real tough for me to follow schedule as i hate this boring rules all the way life. But, this is for the sake of my body if i want to get healthier and beautifier? Is that right my word? HAHA.

6.00 am - Subuh prayer
6.45 am - Joging
8.00 am - Bathe + laundry
9.00 am - Breakfast and updating my days
10.00 am - Dhuha. Remember?
                *class usually start at 9 or 11 am.
1.00 pm - Lunch. It a must. If not taking lunch, you can sleep. Hihi.
2.00 pm - Lab     *not all days
5.50 pm - Joging
7.00 pm - Bathe + Maghrib prayer
8.30 pm - Study or make a good reading
11.45 pm - Facebooking and Blogging
12.30 pm - Sleep baby sleep <3

InsyaAllah this will be the first kick start for the New Year in Islam of mine. I will try as hard as i could to follow this. May Allah bless me.

Below is the list of thing to do in Muharam. I got it from where? I forgot.

Berpuasa. Maksud Hadis: Barang siapa berpuasa satu hari dalam bulan Muharam pahalanya seumpama berpuasa 30 tahun. Maksud Hadis: Barang siapa yang berpuasa tiga hari dalam bulan Muharam, iaitu hari Khamis, Jumaat dan Sabtu, Allah tulis padanya pahala seperti mana beribadat selama 2 tahun. 
Banyakkan amal ibadat seperti solat sunat, zikir dan sebagainya.
Berdoa akhir tahun pada hari terakhir bulan Zulhijah selepas Asar sebanyak 3 kali
Berdoa awal tahun pada 1 Muharram selepas Maghrib 3 kali
Empat belas perkara sunat dilakukan pada hari Asyura (10 Muharram):

Melapangkan masa/belanja anak isteri. Fadilatnya - Allah akan melapangkan hidupnya pada tahun ini.
Memuliakan fakir miskin. Fadilatnya - Allah akan melapangkannya dalam kubur nanti.
Menahan marah. Fadilatnya - Di akhirat nanti Allah akan memasukkannya ke dalam golongan yang redha.
Menunjukkan orang sesat. Fadilatnya - Allah akan memenuhkan cahaya iman dalam hatinya.
Menyapu/mengusap kepala anak yatim. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengurniakan sepohon pokok di syurga bagi tiap-tiap rambut yang disapunya.
Bersedekah. Fadilatnya - Allah akan menjauhkannya pada neraka jauh seekor gagak terbang tak berhenti-henti . Diberi pahala seperti bersedekah kepada semua fakir miskin di dunia ini.
Memelihara kehormatan diri. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengurniakan hidupnya sentiasa diterangi cahaya keimanan.
Mandi Sunat. Fadilatnya - Tidak sakit (sakit berat) pada tahun itu. Lafaz niat: "Sahaja aku mandi sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala."
Bercelak. Fadilatnya - Tidak akan sakit mata pada tahun itu.
Membaca Qulhuwallah hingga akhir 1,000 kali. Fadilatnya - Allah akan memandanginya dengan pandangan rahmah di akhirat nanti.
Sembahyang sunat empat rakaat. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengampunkan dosanya walau telah berlarutan selama 50 tahun melakukannya. Lafaz niat: "Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat hari Asyura empat rakaat kerana Allah Taala." Pada rakaat pertama dan kedua selepas Fatihah dibaca Qulhuwallah 11 kali.
Menjamu orang berbuka puasa. Fadhilat - Diberi pahala seperti memberi sekalian orang Islam berbuka puasa.
Puasa. Niat - "Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala." Fadilat - Diberi pahala seribu kali Haji, seribu kali umrah dan seribu kali syahid dan diharamkannya pada neraka.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Proper Pleaseeeeee

I wanna have a proper life in a proper way. You?

All these days i'm kinda busy of toooo many things. Exams, cooking, meetings, programmes and so forth. I even don't have time for myself. I loveeeeee to spoil myself up to the limits where later anyone else will immediately think they don't have the power on me. Haha. 

But since when i finished spoiling myself? I can't remember. I enjoyed doing DIY spa every weekend. I enjoyed reading good books. I enjoyed hanging around with hot girlfriends and talk about hot topics in a hot location where hot guys are overwhelmed there. I enjoyed window-shopping alone. Some time you do really need time to be alone. Agree much? 

So, in these days i really need to sum up list of important things and update my Things To Do lists. 

Important Things.

Today - Monday - 14th November
3.30 p.m. - UNGS class
5.30 p.m. - UMMATIC meeting
8.30 p.m. - Blood Donation meeting

*study microbe after the meeting

Tuesday - 15th November 
11.00 a.m. - Organic Chemistry class
2.00 p.m. - Organic Chemistry lab
8.00 p.m. - BM class
10.00 p.m. - Floor plan for blood donation in Wackos, KOS

*study microbe after the meeting

Wednesday - 16th November
9.30 a.m. - UNGS class
2.00 until 3.30 p.m. - MIcrobiology exam
3.30 p.m. - Mirobe lab

* the blood donation will be held on Wednesday and i am so sad cause i can't donate my bloooooodd. 

Thursday - 17th November
11.00 a.m. - Microbe class

Nothing much. Rest. Studying UNGS.

Friday - 18th November
8.00 a.m. - KOS class
8.00 p.m. - UNGS exam

*ummatic run is on the evening. I think I cannot join it.

Saturday - 19th November
Cultural exhibition for Ummatic Week

*prepare for BM presentation

Tuesday - 22th November
*maybe BM presentation
*maybe going to BioMalaysia KLCC

Ohh dear! I need to post the poster of Ummatic cultural exhibition around IIUM.

And ohh dear! I need to contact all the batch leaders for the blood donation.

Okay you see how terrific I am pouring all my thoughts and all my stress in this entry. 

Yeah, I'm stressed.

There will be no more after this. I'm hoping so. I want to do things that I like.  Thank you all then. Hehe.

I Need To Change

Alhamdulillah i'm still alive until now. I had already came back form a week holiday for Raya Haji. Well, there are several things happened and lots of things went through my mind for the entire weekend. 

Yeah. I need to make up my mind. I need to change. I am 20 years old. I am old already, don't you feel the same? My Umi said this to me. "You are old enough but you act like a child" Yeah, me too agree Umi. 

There are several things i need to look on. These things basically about my Iman. I kinda feel low about it nowadays. Why? Because maybe there are lack of makanan hati and lots of duniawi things that I thought about.

I need to change.

Yeah I really need to change. 

Although it is only a small change. Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit.

And I hope i will be istiqamah in doing these. InsyaAllah.

1. Wake up early at 6 a.m. for Subuh prayer.

2. Perform Dhuha prayer everyday before noon at 12. Hoping the best rezeki form Allah.

3. Read Al-Luqman every morning after Subuh for the barakah of knowledge. I am a student. Yeah I need it. Alternate with Al-Ma'thurat.

4. Perform daily prayers at the beginning of time. The best for your face. 

5. Always in wudhu'.

6. Read Al-Quran after Maghrib prayer. Although a page of Quran. Listen to mp3 if don't have time to recite Quran.

That's all for now. 

InsyaAllah. :)

It starts today. 14th November 2011.

Monday, 7 November 2011

At Last...

This is the first entry of Euphoria. 

And 50% of the reasons why i am doing this blogging thing is because all of my friends already have theirs. 
And they urged me so much to do this. And even though i never care about this, i don't know why suddenly i do this.

So many this.

Yeah, and 35% of the reasons is because i found that it is so interesting to have something memorable that we can keep our stories and moments alive and unforgettable. Some may says that "you should write a diary and blah blah blah.." but admit it, i hate to write manually. My handwriting's suck. Back to the basic, i know this blogging thing will last until we want it to be last. Ohh, i'm hoping that my life would be a good life so that i can post so many beautiful things in my blog.

And, the other 15% is I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE REASON IS. And I'm talking about this seriously. 

That's all from me. Goodnight. All is well Euphoria.