Sunday, 13 November 2011

I Need To Change

Alhamdulillah i'm still alive until now. I had already came back form a week holiday for Raya Haji. Well, there are several things happened and lots of things went through my mind for the entire weekend. 

Yeah. I need to make up my mind. I need to change. I am 20 years old. I am old already, don't you feel the same? My Umi said this to me. "You are old enough but you act like a child" Yeah, me too agree Umi. 

There are several things i need to look on. These things basically about my Iman. I kinda feel low about it nowadays. Why? Because maybe there are lack of makanan hati and lots of duniawi things that I thought about.

I need to change.

Yeah I really need to change. 

Although it is only a small change. Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit.

And I hope i will be istiqamah in doing these. InsyaAllah.

1. Wake up early at 6 a.m. for Subuh prayer.

2. Perform Dhuha prayer everyday before noon at 12. Hoping the best rezeki form Allah.

3. Read Al-Luqman every morning after Subuh for the barakah of knowledge. I am a student. Yeah I need it. Alternate with Al-Ma'thurat.

4. Perform daily prayers at the beginning of time. The best for your face. 

5. Always in wudhu'.

6. Read Al-Quran after Maghrib prayer. Although a page of Quran. Listen to mp3 if don't have time to recite Quran.

That's all for now. 

InsyaAllah. :)

It starts today. 14th November 2011.


  1. Memang Ini fitrah kita , sbg manusia yang tidak sempurna.
    Tapi bukan alasan untuk tidak berubah .
    Yaaaa , Mari kite same2 berevolusi ke arah kebaikan ! :')
