Know what will happen when a girl is really in a relationship:
1. She’s a lover, but she’ll fight for you.
2. She’s not jealous; she just doesn't want to lose you.
3. She’s not just emotional, she’s passionate.
4. She’s not stupid, she just trusted you.
5. She’s not needy, but she deserves your attention.
6. She’s not insecure, but she wants you to find her attractive.
7. She’s not rushing things, she just doesn't have time for games.
8. She’s not judgmental; she just realizes your potential.
9. She doesn't have trust issues, but she hates being lied to.
10. She’s not “too sensitive”, but she does have feelings.
11. She knows she’s complicated, but she still wishes you understood.
Oh yes, so true.
oh yes, so true!