Thursday, 27 September 2012

Parents Are The Paradise and Hell of the Children

Assalamualaikum all :-)

I pray all are in good eman and health.Alhamdulillah for all that we have been blessed with.Each breathe a great mercy from Allah ta'ala.

Amongst the many favors and blessings from Allah ta'ala, the one most importa
nt is that He has given us parents, our beloved parents who have done all that they can for us since the time we are born to our old age even (with only death parting us).

For the many sacrifices they have made for us, and like the many rights we demand from them,they too have rights over us.

The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has laid stress on the rights of parents and duties of children, in the same way as he has stressed the rights of children and the duties of parents.

To be obedient to parents and to show kindness to them has been enjoined along with the Oneness and Worship of Allah, in the Holy Qur'an, in such a manner that it appears that among human deeds, to obey parents and treat them with respect and kindness is next only to Divine Worship.

The Qur'an says, in Sura Bani Israail: "Your Lord (The Creator) has ordained that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to the parents."

Parents Are the Paradise and Hell of the Children

In a hadeeth the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has said that the parents of a person are his Heaven or Hell.

This shows that if a person obeys his parents and attends to their needs and comforts and keeps them happy, he will attain Paradise. On the other hand, if he is rude and disobedient to them and offends them by ignoring their feelings or by causing them grief in any other way, his place shall be in Hell.

Pleasing the Parents Causes Allahs Pleasure

Anyone who seeks to please Allah should earn the good pleasure of his parents. To keep the parents well pleased is essential since their anger and displeasure will lead to Allahs anger and displeasure.

The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has said "In the good pleasure of the father lies the good pleasure of the Creator and in his displeasure, lies the displeasure of the Creator."

Here the mother has not been mentioned, but, according to many other ahaadeeth, the right of the mother with regard to service and kind treatment is even higher than that of the father. Therefore, her pleasure or displeasure will carry an equal significance.

Curse For Not Looking After Aged Parents

The time that the parents need to be looked after most carefully is in their old-age, and to serve them devotedly in that state is most pleasing to Allah and it is an easy way to attain Paradise.

Abu Hurairah (R.A.) relates that the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said "May he be disgraced, may,he be disgraced, may he be disgraced." "Who?" The Sahaaba enquired. "The person whose parents, or any one of them, attain old-age during his life-time and he does not earn Paradise (by being kind-hearted and dutiful to them)!"

Therefore, anyone who gets an opportunity to serve his parents in their old-age and does not avail himself to it (to attain Paradise), undoubtedly, he is a most wretched person.

The Mothers Claim Is Greater

Abu Hurairah (R.A.) narrates that a person asked the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam "Who has the greatest claim on me with regard to service and kind treatment?" The Prophet replied, "Your mother, and again your mother, and once again your mother. After her, is the claim of your father, then that of your near relations, and then of the relations next to them." This, obviously, shows that where care and kind treatment are concerned, the claim of the mother is greater than that of the father.

It appears to be the same in the Qur'an too.In many instances, the pain and the suffering which the mother has to bear during pregnancy, at childbirth, and in the bringing-up of the children, has been mentioned along with the emphasis of expressing kindness to parents.

Paradise Lies At the Mothers Feet

In one hadeeth the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has clearly stated that a persons Paradise lies at his mothers feet. By serving her well and being obedient to her, one can attain Paradise.

In some other ahaadeeth the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has explained that serving the mother, the maternal aunt and maternal grandmother, are among the acts by whose piousness, even the repentance of a great sinner and evil-doer is accepted and he is forgiven.

Treatment Towards Polytheist Parents

If anyones parents are polytheists, and they want him to follow their faith, he should refuse, but he should continue to be kind and respectful to them.

Asma bint Abu Bakr (R.A.) relates that her mother had come to Madinah, from Makkah, to meet her. Her mother followed the Pagan customs and beliefs, so Asma (R.A.) enquired from the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam as how she was to treat her whether she should have nothing to do with her, as she was a Pagan, or treat her like a daughter should, and show kindness to her. The Prophet told her to be kind and considerate and to behave towards her as was a mothers due, from a daughter.

Parents Rights After Their Death

The rights of parents do not come to an end with their death. In fact, some of their rights take effect after their death, and it is a religious obligation for the children to fulfill them.

As explained before, obeying ones parents and treating them with respect and affection is great virtue - and atones for ones sins. Similarly, to ask Allah to have mercy on them after their death, is an act which brings comfort to them in their graves and serves to atone for ones sins.

After the death of ones parents among other duties, should be to pray for their forgiveness and treat their relatives and friends with due respect.

Abu Usaid Saidi (R.A.) relates that a person came to the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam and asked him "O Prophet of Allah, are there some rights of my parents, on me, which I have to fulfill even after they have died?" "Yes" the Prophet replied, "These are to pray for mercy and forgiveness on their behalf, to fulfill the promises they have made to anyone, to pay due regard to the bonds of relationship from their side and to be respectful to their friends.

In the Qur'an, Muslims have been urged to pray for the salvation of their parents as shown in the verse. And say, "Mv Lord. Have mercy on both of them, as they cared for me when I was little."

Advantages of Obedience to Parents

The real reward for serving the parents, with great attention, is Paradise and the pleasure of Allah. But the Almighty bestows a special favor, in this world too, on the believer who fulfills the parents rights devotedly.

Jabir (R.A.) reports that the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said "Allah prolongs the life of a person who obeys his parents and serves them devotedly."

In another hadeeth, the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam is reported to have said, "Obey your parents and treat them with kindness, your children will be kind and obedient to you.

Great Sin For Disobeying the Parents

Just as the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam declared, that serving ones parents well is an act of great virtue, he condemned the showing of disobedience to them, or harming them, as a most serious and detestable sin.

When asked about the major sins, the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam replied." To associate anyone with Allah, to disobey the parents, to kill unlawfully and to give false evidence."

The above-mentioned acts have been condemned as Akbarul-Kabaair i.e the most serious of the major sins. The order in which the Prophet said them, shows that the disregard of parents rights is next, only, to Polytheism (Shirrk) and it is even more serious than murder.

The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has said "To abuse ones parents is also a major sin."

He was asked "Can anyone abuse his parents?"

"Yes," the Prophet replied,

"If a person abused someone elses parents and that person, in retaliation, abused his parents, - then it is as though he himself had abused his parents."

We can imagine, from this, what an important place respect for parents occupies in the moral and social teachings of Islam, and how careful one should be about it.

Remember the ummah in dua'as. JazakumuaAllahu khayran. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

copied from Halima Bagha, Islam in My Veins

Sunday, 16 September 2012


ammar  bermaksud memakmurkan dan kuat iman.

adik saya nama ammar. muhammad 'ammar bin yusof.

umur amar 16 tahun. tahun depan bakal ambil spm.

saya sangat sayang dekat adik saya yg seorang ini tapi....

tapi saya risau sebab amar sedang membesar.

saya risau sebab amar seorang lelaki yang susah nak luahkan masalah dan perasaannya dekat orang lain. kami kakak2 ini mahu sangat menjadi pendengar yang baik untuk amar tapi amar selalu tak cerita. lagipun saya selalu takda dekat rumah. and sekarang amar dah masuk asrama. saya jadi sangat sangat risau. eh ke macam over je saya ni nak risau macam ni?

sebab risaukan amar jadi saya akan beri segala apa yang amar minta dekat saya. belikan jersey, t-shirt, seluar, boxer, joystick, aiskrim, selipar and even benda-benda remeh macam topup.

kadang2 bila amar masuk bilik and nak borak2, masa tu saya tengah busy nak tulis blog. kadang2 bila amar ajak tengok bola malam2, saya pulak busy nak bergayut. kadang2 bila saya masuk bilik amar, amar tengah main game. takpun amar tengah dengar lagu. memang tak sempat nak bercerita. amar pun selalu keluar rumah lepak dengan kawan2 dia. 

sedih rasanya bila fikir balik.

dulu masa sekolah saya paling rapat dengan amar. semua cerita saya amar tawu. semua cerita amar saya tawu. tapi sekarang? mungkin sebab faktor umur yang dah meningkat amar jadi makin tertutup. eh tapi tak jugak. amar selalu macam nak cerita sesuatu dekat saya. tapi rasanya amar memang tak boleh nak luahkan. sebab saya pasti amar pun menerima penangan yang sama yang saya terima atas kes keluarga yang kami tak terluah itu.

saya dah takda masa nak lluangkan dengan adik2. boleh tak hari ni saya nak duduk bila dyorg lama2 and bual2 lama2? rindu.

the same goes to imran. adakah saya dah membelakangkan adik2 saya yg lelaki2 ni?

tak patut kan saya buat macam tu.

imran mungkin agak expressive tapi amar ni less expressive.

dulu pun masa baru pindah kajang saya ingat lagi amar cerita dekat saya pasal sekolah dia dan memang masa tu saya nangis macam orang gila. masa amar kena marah dengan umi and abah, amar hanya boleh luah dekat saya je sebab kak ji takda masa tu. and kemudian amar membesar sebagai seorang anak lelaki yang penyimpan. and teringat pada satu masa dulu, saya, kakji dan amar pernah nangis beramai2 mengenangkan nasib kami.

dan dulu, amar suka wrestling tangan dengan saya, masing2 nak tunjuk sapa kuat. tapi amar ni pun selalu tiba2 tumbuk saya. memang perlahan bagi seorang lelaki tapi lebam bagi seorang perempuan. haha.

ya Allah, biarlah amar tahu yang betapa kami sangat menyayanginya. takda yang terkurang. dan ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa ku ini andai aku pernah termarah atau terkasar dengan amar.

Kau jadikanlah amar anak laki yang soleh terhadap umi dan abah. Kau jadikanlah amar anak yang berguna di dunia dan akhirat.

ameen ya rabbal alamin.

ammar and imran

ammar and kak ji

ammar nak tunjuk biceps lettuw kan

tu tu ammar kat sebelah umi


Losing Euphoria

i'm not that happy now. why?

basically maybe the pms thingy that makes me so weak. but the truth is, there are probably so lots of reason that cause me gone so stress now.

health condition
1) my flabby body. haven't been exercising for so long. and not doing adrenaline rush activities for so long such hiking and running for miles?
2) my face. why on earth the pimples suddenly start to appear? i'm hating it so much. it give my face aches. need to but dalacin-t somewhere.
3) my mouth. i've got 5 ulcers. but alhamdulillah they are getting better. but still i can feel the pain after i brush my teeth. the infection grows from my throat to my ears and to my teeth and it effects my head that gives painful headache.

emotional condition
1) what happens lately in my family really affect me now you know? and i'm hardly show it because i don't know how to. and because of keeping it inside my head, it turns to be a massive headache and emotional breakdown.
2) stress of being left? and you would get confuse who is actually the friend of yours and who's not. tired of pleasing people out. whatever.

relationship matters
1) this is about a guy. we always fight but the reason is so lame. or is it me who the only one who think the reason is lame? the reasons were such as late replying messages and some my silly mistakes. it got me nerve-wrecked really bad. and i'm about getting tired of having serious relationship with people. oh my.
2) this have to deal with a boy. it is two different persons between that guy and that boy. i don't know why but i'm tired of letting he throw stories of my bad to my friends whom he just met her only for a while.

psychological and mental breakdown
1) i moved to a room next to a not-so-nice room. but somehow, maybe there are reasons how we can end up there. maybe Allah want to make our inner self and spiritual more powerful. insyaAllah.
2) crisis between choosing my concentration. it is hard when all your beloved people get intervene in your decision making. feels like being intruded much? you want to take A, but your parents want you to take neither A. *kadang2 terfikir sampai bila hidup ini orang lain yang buat decision*

economical crisis
1) my plenty of money suddenly gone and gone! at first i was so surprised and frustrated about this. i'm not into shopping so much and i don't buy stupid things anymore but why on earth my money suddenly gone?! and i started to remember how much money i used during the holidays. taking my driving license and i pay for half of it. and repairing my laptop which costs a lot. and my salary diminished in a second because of puasa and raya celebration. but i think i used it vastly for managing baksis ? gosh. i spent a lot in padang besar. but not that much actually. oh my, where all my money gone?
2) oh my beloved maslin muntari and husna mustafa, please please after this no more lavish meals. huu so sad. but we need to save up for our future right?

outdoor activities
1) what do you feel when you are so excited to do your ever dreamed activities but suddenly your beloved people come to block your desire? startled huh? and believe me you will become so confuse on which one to choose.

and and and many moreeeee yang i dah tak larat nak tulis macam mana.

long list right?

but all of it does make sense of how not happy i am now.


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Lipid and Oil

i feel so blotted right now. gemuk.


because starting from last semester's final examination i started to quit exercising, while i can't stop eating because i used to eat so much to give me energy. 

then, living at home was like a heavenly heaven for me. i love to sleep. my biggest pleasure is sleeping. thanks, that pleasure get me over and overweight. aarghhhhh!

there are too much of __________ inside of my body. fill in the blank.

a) fats (of course!)
b) wind ?
c) toxinssss eeuwwwhhhh. erkkkk.
d) bacteria inside my intestine? maybe.
e) ulat cacing kerawit dalam perut? eh ke cacing pita?
f) cellulite? demmitt.
g) too much water? or less? i don't know.
h) too much undigested food?
i) and and etc

ughh. how? what to do? right now i am busy completing my 6 days syawal fasting. 

and please mahfuza, please start exercising. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee T.T

okay, goodnite fatgirl.

Muhasabah Malam #1

Muhasabah Cinta 
Wahai pemilik nyawaku
Betapa lemah diriku ini
Berat ujian dariMu
Ku pasrahkan semua pada-Mu

Tuhan baru ku sedar
Indah nikmat sihat itu
Tak pandai aku bersyukur
Kini ku harapkan cintaMu

Kata-kata cinta terucap indah
Mengalir berzikir di kidung doaku
Sakit yang ku rasa biar jadi penawar dosaku
Butir-butir cinta air mataku
Teringat semua yang Kau beri untukku
Ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini
Ya Ilahi muhasabah cintaku

Tuhan kuatkan aku
Lindungiku dari putus asa
Jika ku harus mati
Pertemukan aku denganMu

Kata-kata cinta terucap indah
Mengalir berzikir di kidung doaku
Sakit yang ku rasa biar jadi penawar dosaku
Butir-butir cinta air mataku
Teringat semua yang Kau beri untukku
Ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini
Ya Ilahi muhasabah cintaku


Cinta kerna Mu ya Allah


Buat aku jatuh cinta padamu,
Wahai kau yang kan menjadi pasangan tulang rusukku….
Dengan sebuah cinta tulus karena Illahi Robbi

bukan dengan harta atau parasmu..
bukan dengan buaian untaian kata-kata manismu..
bukan dengan perhatianmu padaku karena kau belum halal bagiku..

Buat aku jatuh cinta padamu,
Dengan indahnya akhlak n budi pekertimu,
Melabuhkan cintamu pada Allah melebihi cintamu padaku..
Buat aku jatuh cinta padamu dengan ajak aku berlomba dalam sebuah kebaikan,
Teguh dengan jihad yang kau tegakkan berikan semangat berjuang menegakkan Islam.

Buat aku jatuh cinta padamu,
Dengan Menjadi sosok pribadi tegar, menghadapi ujian kehidupan..
Ikhlas N sabar atas teguran yang Allah berikan.
Selalu ingatkan aku jika niat tulus mulai pudar
agar semakin menguatkan aku pada jalan istiqomah.

Buat aku jatuh cinta padamu,
Dengan sikapmu yg Selalu merindui syahid di jalan Illahi.
Pantang bagimu berpaling dari hati Ya Robbul Izzati.
Tunjukkan bahwa dirimu menautkan hatimu pada Illahi.
agar tidak terjatuh dalam jurang cinta nafsu duniawi.

Buat aku jatuh cinta padamu,
Dengan cintaimu kepada Allah karena Dia adalah segalannya.
Kau buat dirimu mampu korbankanlah apa saja karenaNya.
Kau jadikan kecintaan pada Tuhan adalah yang utama,Kau mampu menderita demi kecintaanmu padaNya.

Ketika kecintaan itu hadir sebuah karunia indah bisa mendapatkannya… kecintaan kepada Allah adalah sebenar-benarnya cinta…
yang tulus ikhlas memberikan cinta tanpa berharap ia akan terbalaskan…
jika sebuah hubungan didasari kecintaan karena Allah maka ia akan
senantiasa indah…

Allah Berfirman Dalam Al-Quran:
“…Allah mencintai mereka dan
mereka pun mencintai-Nya
…”(Q.s. Al-Maidah 5:54).

Ya Allah, yang membolakbalikan
hati kami ,selama ini hamba memang tidak
pernah tau bagaimana rasanya mencinta.
Namun, hamba berharap bila cinta hadir menyapaku ,hamba tidak akan kehilangan

Ya Allah, selama ini hamba hanya berharap semoga bisa mencintai orang yang memiliki cinta yang luar biasa kepada- MU.

Ya Allah, selama ini hamba juga berharap semoga bisa di cintai oleh orang yang bisa
mengarahkanku menuju keridhoan-MU.
Pintaku ya Allah izinkan hamba
memiliki rasa ini hingga ia menjadi
indah di dada kami tanpa
mengurangi rasa cinta kami

# dipetik drpd Istikharah Cinta Facebook

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Book Review : The Language of Flowers

beautiful, absorbing and solitary. 

by vanessa diffenbaugh.

i love this book. so much. it is so lovely of about everything inside of it. 

and as a woman, i have a high tendency toward flowers. this book help me to recognize different types of flowers and their meaning based on victorian language of flowers. how captivating and sensible right? these are some of the meanings for the usual flowers in malaysia.

bougainvillea - passion
cactus - ardent love
red carnation - my heart breaks
chrysanthemum - truth
daisy - cheerfulness
dahlia - dignity
fern - sincerity
fuchsia - humble love
hibiscus - delicate beauty
lavender - mistrust
lily - majesty
mistletoe - i surmount all obstacles
moss - maternal love
red rose - love
pomegranate - foolishness
periwinkle - tender recollections

sounds nutty right? but, it seems really nice. 

victoria jones is a homeless orphan that kept moving in and out of foster family's houses. this book reveal her story towards finding her own self-esteem to face the world and not forget, love.

such a good book for a ready-to-overwhelm with flowers-mind. one of my favorite book ever.



after a maghrib and hajat prayer, we sat together to recite yasin for imran's becoming upsr examination. and to my surprise, before abah began the yasin, he said something that touched my heart so well. he prayed to Allah and hoped that He will make ease all affairs and matters regarding our family. and i never heard that abah prayed like that before. and he even said the name of each one of us (his children) for about 3 times.

these have the explanation to the somber and gloomy atmosphere that my family had lately, regarding on too many things. that''s why abah pulled off his gut to said that, and i know it sounds bitter in his heart. he kept following the flow of everything and he is one of the toughest man i ever met in my life. 

despite kakji's tension on her english exam and push-on-working, imran's big exam, amar's faraway, and iqah's frustrated matter, i tried my best for not having any matter and problem so that abah and umi no need to kalut-kalut to think about me. 

and i was way less expressive now that before, as i am growing up and finds my own maturity to tackle with situations. all i can do is pray to Allah and hoping the best will be to this family. 

i am so sad and i feel uncomfortable for looking at abah's face expression and gesture every time problems arise. and i know that abah will always try his best to serve for the family although himself don't have the courage that much. he even ask for holiday from his work. and i hope that iqah will remember these hard times of abah and umi so that she would study hard for all of us.

abah, please be strong cause i know you will be stronger than any of us in my family. thank you so much abah, i love you! <3

Quick Events Review

a new semester is coming tomorrow. oh how i wish i can prolong this holidays. 3 months are too short and too fast.

what i had done for the past 3 months? thinking back that actually i have did many and many things and alhamdulillah my holiday is as meaningful as it should be. 

1. i worked as a kindergarten teacher in pusat asuhan tunas-tunas islam
2. i had finished my driving license and already got p license
3. my community service swied12 is a complete success
4. a month of ramadhan full of blessing
5. glorious raya celebration with beloved relatives
6. and and not forget the good examination result despite all the hurdles and hardships i faced last semester.

not that bad right? : )

6 Daisy with Cikgu Fuza
Baktisiswa Sciencess With Kedahan 2012
Raya celebration 2012