Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Lipid and Oil

i feel so blotted right now. gemuk.


because starting from last semester's final examination i started to quit exercising, while i can't stop eating because i used to eat so much to give me energy. 

then, living at home was like a heavenly heaven for me. i love to sleep. my biggest pleasure is sleeping. thanks, that pleasure get me over and overweight. aarghhhhh!

there are too much of __________ inside of my body. fill in the blank.

a) fats (of course!)
b) wind ?
c) toxinssss eeuwwwhhhh. erkkkk.
d) bacteria inside my intestine? maybe.
e) ulat cacing kerawit dalam perut? eh ke cacing pita?
f) cellulite? demmitt.
g) too much water? or less? i don't know.
h) too much undigested food?
i) and and etc

ughh. how? what to do? right now i am busy completing my 6 days syawal fasting. 

and please mahfuza, please start exercising. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee T.T

okay, goodnite fatgirl.